[knock knock]
“Coming… Just a second!”
[The door opens.]
“Oh… wow. It’s you?”
“Yeah. Surprise!”
“What… what are you doing here?”
“I… uh, delivering your food.”
“You’re a delivery guy now?”
“For now, yeah. Just something to pay the bills while I work on my film.”
“Right. The film. How’s that going?”
“Slow, but… I’m getting there. How about you? Still with the tech firm?”
“Yeah. Still grinding away. You know, corporate life.”
“Yeah, I remember. You used to hate it.”
“Still do. But it pays for the view. Not all of us can afford to ‘chase our dreams,’ right?”
“Hmm… I guess not.”
“So… what happened? Last I heard, you quit the firm to make films. Next thing I know, you’re delivering food?”
“Well, you know… filmmaking isn’t exactly a 9-to-5 gig. It takes time and money’s tight.”
“Yeah, I can imagine. Seems like you’ve been at it for years though.”
“Yeah, because I have. It’s not easy.”
“Tell me about it. I ordered this food 10 minutes ago and here you are.”
“Right. Instant gratification. Doesn’t work that way for films.”
“Maybe it should. If people can get their dinner in 10 minutes, why can’t you just make a quick film?”
“Because not everything’s an app. Some things need time. Effort.”
“Yeah, I get it. But… you sure this isn’t just a fantasy? I mean, look at where you are.”
“And where are you? Stuck behind a desk, hating every second of your life?”
“I’ve got stability. Security. Maybe I’m not following my ‘passion,’ but at least I’m not delivering food.”
“And what’s that stability worth, huh? Do you even recognize yourself anymore?”
“Well, I don’t have to wonder where my next paycheck is coming from, so there’s that.”
“Right. Well, not everyone gets a view from a high-rise. Some of us are just trying to survive.”
“You chose this. You left the cushy job. What did you expect?”
“Not this, maybe. But I wanted to live for something real.”
“Real? You think this… running around with someone else’s food… is real?”
“More real than sitting at a desk all day, pretending you’re alive.”
“At least I don’t have to justify my choices to a guy with a helmet and a delivery bag.”
“Yeah, well… not everyone can afford to give up. Some of us have dreams we still believe in.”
“And some of us know when to stop chasing fantasies.”

“So… you’re not gonna invite me in?”
“Maybe another time.”
“Right. Of course. I should… get going.”
“Yeah. I’ve got work early tomorrow.”
“Yeah, sure. Take care.”
“You too. Good luck with… you know, everything.”
“Thanks. I’ll need it.”
[He turns to leave, the delivery bag still slung over his shoulder. Standing in the doorway, she watches him go as he disappears down the hall.]
“Maybe we both will.”