How I stay productive as a writer

3 min readMar 30, 2024


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

As a writer, the blank page can be both a daunting adversary and an inviting canvas. Over the years, through trial and error, I’ve honed a methodology that keeps the words flowing, the stories unfolding, and the creativity flourishing.

Here’s my distilled wisdom for fellow writers and anyone curious about the creative process.

1. Constant observation

Imagine finding stories in every nook and cranny of life — a word overheard in a café, the way rain hits a window, or even the sight of an old couple holding hands.

For me, the world is a living storybook, constantly whispering tales. Take the word ‘whisper’, for example. It’s not just a word; it’s a door to countless stories. A whisper in a library, a lover’s whisper, a whisper that changes a life — each a potential narrative.

This observational practice isn’t passive. It requires active engagement with the world. The key? Be present and attentive. Cultivate curiosity.

When something catches your eye or ear, pause and ponder. What story could this be a part of? How can it be woven into a narrative? This habit turns the mundane into the extraordinary.

2. Structured routine

I used to wait for inspiration to strike. Spoiler alert: It’s a flawed strategy. Writing, like any craft, requires discipline.

My mornings are sacrosanct — coffee in hand, fingers poised over the keyboard. It’s a daily appointment with my imagination. Some days the words pour out; other days, it’s a trickle. But the commitment to sit and write remains constant.

Setting a routine creates a rhythm, a much-needed structure in the often-chaotic creative process. Find your peak creative hours and guard them zealously. It’s not about waiting for the muse; it’s about showing up so the muse knows where to find you.

3. Consuming quality content

My writing is a reflection of what I consume. A voracious reader, a curious listener, an avid watcher — I immerse myself in diverse content.

Every book, podcast, or film is not just entertainment; it’s a study session. It’s about understanding different narrative structures, styles, and vocabularies.

But passive consumption isn’t enough. Engage with the content. I often share my thoughts or write reviews — it’s a way to process and articulate my perspectives. This practice not only broadens my understanding but also enhances my ability to critique and analyze my work.

4. Dedicated writing time

When it’s time to write, the world goes on silent mode. This uninterrupted time is sacred, reserved solely for translating thoughts into words. Distractions are the nemesis of productivity. Find your quiet corner, switch off notifications, and delve into your writing world.

During these sessions, the focus is paramount. It’s just you and the story, nothing else. This dedicated time is often when the best writing happens — when ideas that have been simmering beneath the surface suddenly burst forth.

5. The continuous learning curve

Writing is a journey of perpetual learning. Every story teaches me something new about language, about human nature, about myself. Embrace feedback, seek out mentorship, join writing groups. Every interaction is a chance to refine your craft.

Remember, every great writer was once a beginner who didn’t quit. So observe, commit, consume, and create with unwavering dedication.

What’s your strategy for staying productive and creative?

Share your insights, for we are all companions in this captivating journey of storytelling.




A writer who prefers words and books to chocolates and smartphones. Wandering soul. Introvert. Copywriter and occasional fiction guy!