Father’s Day

2 min readJun 16, 2024


You sit quietly, holding the card you’ve just written for you father, thinking about him. The man who has always been your hero, your guide, your rock. But you realise that no card, no gift can truly capture the depth of your gratitude and love.

You remember the small moments, the everyday gestures that defined your relationship. The way he held your hand when you took your first steps. His calm and reassuring voice that made you feel home when you struggled.

The pride in his eyes when you achieved something, no matter how small, making you feel like you could conquer the world.

You smile, recalling the laughter you shared. The dad jokes that never failed to make you groan and giggle, the playful teasing that always ended with a hug. The quiet moments, sitting together in comfortable silence, feeling a connection that words could never express.

You realise that Father’s Day is all about celebrating the bond you share, the memories you cherish, and the love that continues to grow with each passing year.

And there’s another YOU…

You sit alone in the silence of your thoughts. You think of your father, the man who was supposed to be your protector, your guide, but instead became a source of fear and trauma.

You remember the harsh words, the constant criticism that chipped away at your self-esteem. The moments when his anger flared, leaving you feeling small and powerless. The promises he broke, the disappointments that piled up.

You recall the times you tried to please him. The way you tiptoed around him, afraid of triggering his wrath. A time when your home was more like a battleground than a sanctuary. The loneliness you felt, even in his presence, as if an invisible wall separated you from the love and comfort you craved.

In your heart, you make a vow. A vow to be the person your father couldn’t be. To love freely, to build trust and respect, and to be a source of light rather than darkness. You understand that healing is a process and every step forward is a victory. Happy Father’s Day to the person you are becoming…




A writer who prefers words and books to chocolates and smartphones. Wandering soul. Introvert. Copywriter and occasional fiction guy!