3 Tips to Effective Copywriting

3 min readAug 14, 2021



Copywriting is everywhere. You can find it on your usual chocolate bar. Cereal pack. Detergent powder. Drinks. Shoes. Clothes and on almost every product you use!

On the surface, copywriting may seem like a simple task. But it’s much more than just playing with words. It’s all about unlocking the reluctant mind of your customers.

In this article, I will share three actionable tips to get your copywriting right.

1. Tell a story

Good stories sell. Because people simply love stories. Try to embrace storytelling in your copy.

How to tell a story.

You don’t have to write passage after passage like we used to do in school. Instead, just create a context. A single-line story would be effective.

Here are two examples.

Example 1: Smartphone with a 43-megapixel camera.

Example 2: Capture your life moments perfectly with the 43-megapixel camera.

Which one would persuade you better?

The first one focuses on the feature, the second copy, on the benefits.

And it tells a story.

So focus on telling a captivating story.

2. Listen to your customers

What makes good copywriters?

Obviously, it’s their keen interest to listen to the customers.

When you listen to your audience, you will understand their problems.

You can turn their problems into awesome ad copies.

For example:

Imagine you’re writing a copy to sell pure honey.

Say, the brand name is BEEE! Honey (Pardon my naming skills :))

You can go to Quora and check what people are talking about honey.

Here’s a screenshot about one such thread on the benefits of honey.

Copywriting tips

Under this question, you can see the skin benefits of pure honey. You can turn this point into a killer ad copy.

Something like this:

Beee! Honey — a natural moisturiser that can do wonders to your skin.

3. Write simple

Copywriting isn’t creative writing!

Yes, you heard me right. Though you can get creative with copywriting, it’s not about showing off your creative writing skills.

Copywriting is about persuading people to take an action. The actions could be anything — from buying a pizza to downloading a free e-book.

As a copywriter, you should try to pique the interest of your busy customers.

Imagine your customers are in a Formula One race. They are going fast.

And your copy should be compelling enough for them to stop and think!

To do this, keep your ad copy simple, concise and persuasive.

Don’t scare people with complex words.

You can follow the AIDA (Attention Interest Desire Action) formula to do it right.

Grab the attention of your audience with a catchy headline.

Generate interest with some additional information about your product or service like features and benefits.

Create the desire in your customers by showing them how your product/ service solves their problems.

Then you lead your customers to taken a desired action.

Some pointers to keep in mind when you’re writing a copy

  1. Don’t oversell.
  2. Never use complex words or idioms that confuse your customers.
  3. Focus on your headline. It’s the key to grab the attention of your readers.
  4. Write for your audience, not for everyone.
  5. Review your copy before publishing it.
  6. Read out your copy loud to spot errors.

I hope these tips will help you craft a decent and persuasive ad copy.




A writer who prefers words and books to chocolates and smartphones. Wandering soul. Introvert. Copywriter and occasional fiction guy!